Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tasmanian Antique Fair

Just recently I've gotten back from being up in Launceston with The Drill Hall Emporium and Richmond Antiques helping out with their stall at the Tasmanian Antique Fair. The fair was exhibited at the lovely Albert Hall.

Photo: Tammy @The Drill Hall Emporium

It has been an exhausting few days for us all but it has brought us a whole new experience. Personally for me, I've had a great time as I've learnt some new knowledge and met new people such as dealers in this industry. Although these few days has been tiring but it was all worth it with a lovely stand in conclusion.

Photo: Tammy @The Drill Hall Emporium
"A view of The Drill Hall Emporium's stall"

For the opening night, I thought I would go with a nice simple classic look to go with with the antique atmosphere that we were surrounded by. So I went for modern look with a vintage touch (and air hostess - that was accidental) look. That night I wore a black dress that has a military feel to it and matched it with a pair of black heels. Seeing as it was a cold night I wore this nice woolen jacket I'd bought just recently that had faux fur around the neck which I personally thought gave it a classy feel to it. But fortunately to boost the look up, I wore this vintage feather hat (courtesy of The Drill Hall Emporium)which really suited this event.

Unfortunately on the night not many photos were taken especially not of what I was wearing. But there were photos that was taken by The Examiner (local Launceston newspaper).

Here is a photo that was taken on the night


Tammy at The Drill Hall Emporium said...

Hi Di, you look gorgeous! Love the hat... And congrats on your very first post!!!

touche de vintage said...

Hey Tam, thank you. I really appreciate the comment.

Donna said...

Hi Di, you looked so vintage chic the whole fair, thanks also for all your hard work!!

touche de vintage said...

thanks don. its alright and i had fun and a good time